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Meet Our Club Members | Edson Photography Club


Updated: Feb 12, 2019

Name: Mike Dykstra

What Camera do you shoot with: Pentax K3

How Long have you been photographing: 8 Years

What is your favourite thing to photograph: Landscapes

 A bio??? 

I have been a licensed auto mechanic since 1990, I received my journeyman papers at N.A.I.T. shortly after that my family and I moved to the West Coast. I moved back to Edson in the fall of 2005 for work, my family followed in 2006. I was involved in Scouting while I lived on the coast but gave it up shortly after moving back to Edson got myself a DSLR.

 A DSLR is lot different than the old film camera’s we had in high school. I took some lucky shots then joined the Edson photo club, where I have learned more about the use and capabilities of different camera styles, as well as composing photographs, and the different tools to develop them.

Name: Dana Prost

What Camera do you shoot with: Nikon D800

How Long have you been photographing: Since 1978

What is your favourite thing to photograph: Nature

Got into Photography as a hobby back in 1980. Joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1983 as a Photographic Technician and spent 21 years in the trade. Being a Photo-tech afforded me many opportunities to develop as a photographer. I still enjoy getting out to shoot but again it is a hobby now and I shoot what ever interests me in the moment.

Name: Lauren Brown

Company: Lauren Brown Photography

What Camera do you shoot with: Canon 5D MKIII & Canon SL1

How Long have you been photographing: 5 years

What is your favourite thing to photograph: Wildlife/Landscape

I was born & raised here in Edson, Alberta and have been taking photos for as long as I can remember. I always had a disposable camera before the wonderful world of digital photography. When digital cameras came out, I made sure to save some money and get one for myself. I think I went through about 4 or 5 cheaper models throughout my childhood. About 5 years ago, my husband & parents gifted me my very first DSLR and I was completely terrified of it. I ended up taking a small day class to learn how to use the different manual functions & settings and the rest is history! I was hooked! My favourite subjects to photograph are wildlife, in particular Grizzly Bears & Bighorn Sheep. I also really love capturing our wonderful Alberta landscapes and I tend to throw some portraiture work in there now and again.

Name: Judy Tailby

Company: Judy Tailby Photography

What Camera do you shoot with: Canon 1DX & 7D MK II

How Long have you been photographing: 10+ years

What is your favourite thing to photograph: Birds

Born and raised in Edson, Alberta. Judy Tailby is a local photographer enjoying life’s beauty that God has given her, capturing the wonderful nature of living things. Always happy to be singing with the birds!

Name: Bea Kachmarchyk

What Camera do you shoot with: Nikon D750

How Long have you been photographing: 5+ years

What is your favourite thing to photograph: People & Landscapes

My photography journey started as a young adult, with the gift of a fully manual

film camera. Oh, I wore that baby out! Since then I have had many different cameras and have enjoyed the challenge of mastering each of them. Some of my favorite genres include landscape, portrait, & macro. My camera is never far from my side as I wander about with my family & my pets. So grateful they are patient as I fiddle with settings & adjust angles.The adventure continues one click at a time, chasing the light, finding that

memorable capture. Hope you enjoy my world as I see it!

Name: Susan Hansen

What Camera do you shoot with: Nikon D750

How Long have you been photographing: 5+years

What is your favourite thing to photograph: Landscapes and Animals

My interest in photography began in 1979 when I purchased my first 35mm camera as I was off to Australia for a six month Agricultural Exchange. It was compact and great for traveling and I took many pictures which I was very happy with. Upon my return I wanted a better camera so I upgraded to a 35mm Minolta. I bought a couple of lenses and took many photos-all of them on the Auto setting.

In 2010 I treated myself to my first DSLR-a Nikon D5000. Again took many photos all on the Auto setting. The beauty of digital is that you can take so many photos and see instantly if you have a keeper without waiting for them to be developed in a Photo Lab. I decided that I needed to learn what this camera was meant do, so I enrolled in a weekend photography course on the basic fundamentals of my camera. The instructor got me off of, according to him the ‘Evil A’-Auto setting!

I don’t have a specific genre, I guess you could say I’m a jack of all and a master of none!

Spending time with my camera isn’t always a priority but when I do get out I am reminded how much I do enjoy this hobby/obsession!

Name: Shaun Conarroe

What Camera do you shoot with: A Black Camera :)

How Long have you been photographing: 10+ years

What is your favourite thing to photograph: Landscape, Wildlife, People

The industrial arts program in Junior and Senior High School were my introduction to photography, utilizing SLR 35mm cameras, black and white film, and a darkroom.  The smell of the darkroom chemicals remain a faint but distinct memory. My interest in photography continued into my early 20s, then drifted as life, family, and a career in cabinet building began to dominate my time and energy. As my family grew, and my career shifted away from woodwork, I returned to photography as a creative outlet, and joined the Edson Photography Club. The members of the Photography Club have been a huge influence on my growth as a photographer.  I am grateful for their on going friendship, support, encouragement and mentorship in this artistic journey.

Name: Julian Buchwald

Company:The Heart Of Edson Gallery + Studio

What Camera do you shoot with: A Variety of Mostly Canon's

How Long have you been photographing: Too Long

What is your favourite thing to photograph: Light (+ Dark)

Artists are required to produce a “bio” from time to time for a variety of reasons. Most of us find this difficult. We are generally comfortable talking about our medium (photography in my case), but not so comfortable talking about ourselves. Most “bios” I have read are about photographers that are certainly more famous and perhaps far more accomplished than I might ever hope to be. I am a small town dentist willing to take a chance that people will accept and hopefully enjoy my art.   Some of my work can be seen online at or in print form at my latest endeavour The Heart of Edson Gallery and Studio Main Street in (you guessed it) Edson.

Name: Lori Stang

Company: LJS Photos

What Camera do you shoot with: Canon

How Long have you been photographing: Forever... but still learning for 15+ years

What is your favourite thing to photograph: Things other people cant see

I can remember in my early teen years, I was always wondering how to capture the scene, as I saw it. This curiosity has motivated me to learn more about photography (cameras, printing, composing, getting ‘the shot’).

I am a photo taker, capturer of life moments…. Photography is one of my ways to capture beauty. Beauty can be the light, the moment, family, friends, strangers, landscapes, smiles, frowns, horses, dogs, bubbles, northern lights, beverages (frozen or other), you name it, I will try to get a photo of it! I am inspired by all photographers and artists, as each of us views the World in different light, the ability to capture the beauty is the ultimate goal.

Name: Alexa Kuzmic

What Camera do you shoot with: Iphone, Canon, GoPro

How Long have you been photographing: 15+ years... still learning

What is your favourite thing to photograph: People + Animals going about day to day activities

Name: Lockyer Mercer

Company: Mercer's Photography

What Camera do you shoot with: Nikon D750

How Long have you been photographing: Since 2004

What is your favourite thing to photograph: Landscape/Portraits

Although most of my Photos are taken in the local region, I sometimes have an opportunity to Photograph images in places I’ve never been. Most of my images are created from my desire to capture Mood and Emotion. When looking at an image i think it should make you “Feel” something or you’ll just move on to the next picture. This is why I enjoy capturing light and working with it so that it impacts the viewer. After all, light and shadow are the 2 major parts that make any photo; without one you can’t have the other.

Name: Jordan Conarroe

Company: Jordan Conarroe Originals

What Camera do you shoot with: Canon 5D MK III

How Long have you been photographing: 5 years

What is your favourite thing to photograph: Love

Jordan grew up in Edson, and has developed her passion for Photography over the last 5 years. She is a recent graduate of NAIT’s Photographic Technology program, and has since moved home to create her business and to further grow in the Edson community. Jordan has an immense passion for photographing the world around her and creating images that are special to the people in front of her camera.

Name: Michelle Buchwald

Company: MB Photography

What Camera do you shoot with: Canon

How Long have you been photographing: 8 years

What is your favourite thing to photograph: Portraits

My photo journey started in 2009, on a volunteer dental trip to Ecuador. Julian, my dad, had taken me in grade ten to help appreciate the life we have in Canada. During the trip I picked up my dad’s camera and started taking photos of the kids waiting to have dental care. I had no idea what I was doing but loved it. Once we got home I looked at some of the photos, and thought “wow that’s not bad”. Parkland offered a photography in black and white course which I did, learning about camera settings and developing film. In 2012, I borrowed a camera from my dad to take photos for a friends graduation, I never returned the camera (sorry dad) because it sparked a new interest for me- portraits. After graduating from dental assisting I returned back to Edson, joining the Edson Photography Club. Now I love making photos of just about everything- landscape, pets, people, stars and everything in between. 



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